XIV rahvusvahelise Печать
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03.02.13 15:48

Vene Romansi Klubi
kuulutab välja

XIV rahvusvahelise Isabella Jurjeva nimelise
vana  vene romansi  esitajate konkursi,
mis toimub 24.05 – 28.05.2013 .a.Tallinnas ja Kohtla -Järvel

Konkursi toimumist toetavad:

Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeerium
Vene Föderatsiooni Kultuuriministeerium
Tallinna Linnavalitsus
Eesti Kultuurkapital
Tallinna Kultuuriväärtuste Amet
Tallinna Kanutiaia Noortemaja

Avaldusi konkursil osalemiseks võetakse kõigilt soovijailt, olenemata vanusest.
Konkurss toimub kahes voorus: professionaalidele ja asjaarmastajatele.

I voor: 25. mail 2013. a. kl 12.00

Professionaalide ja asjaarmastajate läbikuulamine toimub ERALDI.

Professionaalid esitavad:
1.    Vana vene romanss
2.    Romanss ( Bulahhovi, Varlamovi või Guriljovi )loomingust
3.    M. Glinka romanss
Asjaarmastajad  esitavad:
1.    Vana vene romanss
2.    Mustlasromanss
3.    Kaasaegne romanss

II voor: 26. mail 2013. a. kl 12.00

Konkursil osalejad esitavad:
1.    Kaks romansi Isabella Jurjeva repertuaarist
NB! Üks nendest kohustuslik kõigile:
2.    T.Tolstaja ” Ja tebje nichego ne skazhu ”              
3. Oma maa romansi (alustades XX sajandi teisest poolest)

Konkursil antakse välja järgmised preemiad:

Grand prix 1 500 EUR
Professionaalid:                    Asjaarmastajad:
Esimene preemia    800  EUR            Esimene preemia    400  EUR
Teine preemia        500  EUR            Teine preemia        300  EUR
Kolmas preemia    300  EUR            Kolmas preemia    200  EUR
Parima kontsertmeistri preemia (klaver, kitarr j.m.)  300  EUR
Diplomiga märgitakse ära:
-    Kõrge muusikalsus ja vokaalne meisterlikkus
-    Artistlikkus
-    Stiilipuhtus
-    Publiku lemmik
-    Isabella Jurjeva romansi  parim interpretatsioon
Züriil on õigus:
-    mitte välja anda kõike preemiaid
-    jagada preemiaid osavõtjate vahel ( väljaarvatud Grand prix)

Iga konkursil osaleja tasub koha peal sularahas osavõtumaksu 150 EUR, samuti katab oma sõidu- ja elamiskulud. Hotellis elamine sõltub osalejate rahalistest võimalustest. Ansamblite puhul ( duett, trio ja n.e.) osavõttumaks 200 EUR, preemia jagatakse ansambli liikmete vahel.
Juhul, kui osalejal puudub kontsertmeister, lisandub osavõtumaksule  50 EUR
(noodid tuleb esitada HILJEMALT 21 aprilliks 2013. a. ( allpool näidatud aadressil).

Registreerumine toimub 24. mail 2013. a. kl 17.00 Kanutiaia Noortemajas (Aia tn. 12), loosimine ja eelmise konkursi laureaatide kontsert toimub samal päeval kl. 19.00 Raekoja saalis
Lõppkontsert toimub 27. mail 2013. a.  kl 18.00 Tallinna Mustpeade majas ( Pikk 26 )
Konkursist osavõtjate ja žürii liikmete kontsert Kohtla –Järve Kultuurikeskuses  28.05. 2013 kell 17:00 .Väljasõit kl. 900 Kanutiaia Noortemaja juurest
Teine kontsert –29.05.2013 ( sõltuvalt finantseerimise võimalustest)

Konkursil osalemiseks tuleb soovijail esitada hiljemalt 26. aprilliks 2013.  aadressil: Tallinn, 10111,  Aia tn. 12,  Kanutiaia Noortemaja
1.    Sooviavaldus - ankeet
2.    CD, Audio või videokassett
3.    Hea kvaliteediga foto bukleti jaoks (mõõtmetega ainult 6x9)
4.    Lühike elulugu (CV)
5.    I ja II vooru kava
Meie kontakttelefon
(8.10.372) 6521902; 6721570;  6376465;
56638293; 56635761; 5012208
(372) 6 279 070
(372) 6 448 630

e --mail:
Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.              märksõna “Romansi konkurss”
sldinvest@sldinvest                märksõna ” Romansi konkurs”
Meie kodulehekülg:  www.rvke.ee
Sooviavaldus, CV, kasett, foto ja noodid( vajaduse korral) on võimalik saata ka postiga ülaltoodud aadressil.

Tere tulemast!

The XIV  International Competition of the Old Russian Romance
named after Isabella Jurjeva
which takes place in Tallinn on May 24 to 28, 2013

The competition is sponsored by:
Ministry of Culture of Estonia
Tallinn City Council
Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation
Embassy of Russian Federation in Estonia
Fund of Культуркапитал
Fund of Gambling Games
City Council of Kesklinna District of Tallinn
The Department of Cultural Values of the city of Tallinn
Tallinn Youth Centre of Kanutiaia


Applications for participating will be accepted from everyone without age limitation.
The competition will take place in two rounds: for professionals and for amateurs.

Round I: May 25, 2013 at 12:00 a.m.

Listening to professionals and amateurs will be carried out SEPARATELY.

Professionals present:
1.    An old Russian romance
2.    A romance from the repertory of Bulahhov, Varlamov or Guriljov, on the    participant's own choice
3.    A romance from the repertory of M. Glinka
Amateurs present:
1.    An old romance
2.    A gypsy romance
3.    A modern romance

Round II: May 26, 2013 at 12:00 a.m.
Listening to professionals and amateurs will be carried out SIMULTANEOUSLY.

Participants present:
1.    Two romances from the repertory of Isabella Jurjeva.
NB! One of them is obligatory: T. Tolstaja, “Ja tebe nichego ne skazhu”
2.    A romance of the participant's country (beginning from the 2nd half of the XX century).

Competition laureates will be awarded with the following prizes:

Grand Prix    1 500 EUR

Professionals:                     Amateurs:
First prize        800 EUR         First prize        400 EUR
Second prize        500 EUR         Second prize        300 EUR
Third prize        300 EUR        Third prize        200 EUR

The prize to the best concertmaster (piano, guitar and etc.) is  300 EUR

Diplomas will be awarded for:

-    Musicality
-    Artistry
-    Style purity
-    Favorite of audience
-    Original interpretation of the romance from the repertory of Isabella Jurjeva

The Jury has the right:
-    not to award all the prizes
-    to divide the prizes among the participants ( excluding Grand Prix)

Every participant pays competition fee in the amount of 150 EUR in cash upon the arrival and also covers his/her travel and accommodation expenses. Accommodation in a hotel depends on the participant's financial possibilities that should be informed when sending the documents.
In case of the concertmaster’s absence the additional fee of 50 EUR should be paid (notation in music should be presented no later than April 21, 2013 to the address indicated below).
Notation in music written by hand is not permitted!!!
The participation fee for duets, trios and etc. is 200 EUR. In case of awarding the prize the sum of the prize is divided among all the participants of the ensemble.
The arrival of the participants is possible beginning from 23.05.2013, the registration and the payment of the fee will take place on the 24.05.2013 from 4 p.m. up to 5.30 p.m. in the Youth Centre Kanutiaia (Aia Street, 12). Acoustic rehearsals will take place at the address mentioned above on the 23.05.2013 from 11.00 a.m. up to 2.00 p.m., on the 24.05.2013 from 9.00 a.m. up to 2.00 p.m., on the days of listening to from 9.00 a.m. up to 11.00 a.m. The time is limited with 3 minutes for each participant.
The sortition and the concert of the laureates of the XIV Competition and the members of the Jury will take place on the 24.05.2013 at 6 p.m.  in the Teachers’ House (Town Hall square 18).
The closing of the Competition, awarding, the final concert and the reception will take place in the Black Heads’ Hall on the 27.05.2013 at 6.00 p.m. The participation of all the participants of the competition is obligatory! The participants should wear smart dress.

The out town concert for all the participants is on the 28.05.2013 (at 9.00 a.m. - visiting the monastery of Pjuhtits, bathing in the spring, dinner, at 5.00 p.m. - the concert in the Culture Centre.
The second concert is on the 29.05.2013 (depending on the financial possibilities)
The deadline for submitting the participation applications is 15.04.2013.
(the official registration of visa documents starts on the 23.04.2013)
Every applicant must submit all the documents mentioned below in written form to the address Aia street 12, Tallinn 10111, Estonia or by e-mail:
1.    Application form (be attentive when filling in the form)
2.    CD, audio or video cassette
3.    Photo of good quality for the booklet (photo size - 6x9). If the photo is not in accordance with the requirements, it will not be put into the booklet.
4.    Short CV
5.    Good copy of the passport for travelling abroad for the invitation
6.    Participants from outside of Estonia must have the passport for travelling abroad, one additional photo and pre-paid travel insurance for visa application. The organizers of the competition will give visa support.

Our contact numbers are:
(8.10.372) 6521902; 6721570;
56638293; 56635761
(8.10.372) 6 279-070

Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.         keyword “Romance competition”   
Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.     keyword “ Romance competition”

Contact persons in Russia:
In Moscow – Igor Korotkov (tel. 9036270506)
In St. Petersburg – Ljudmila Trushtalevskaja (tel. 911 981 52 10, e-mail Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра. )
The letter of the application-form, CV, the cassette, the photo, a copy of the passport and notation in music (if necessary) can be sent vie Express post to the addressee mentioned above


Participant’s name and surname ______________________________________________________
N.B. ! ( in Russian with Latin transcription. If your surname was changed , write the previous one also)

Date and place of birth _________________________________________________________

Place of residence and place of registration _____________________________________________

Data of the passport for travelling abroad:
Passport number
Date of issue ____________________________________________________________
Valid up to ________________________________________________________
Issued by______________________________________________________________

Place of work or study _______________________________________________________
Participant’s contact data:
fax  _________________________________________________

Concertmaster’s name and surname _______________________________________________
( in Russian with Latin transcription. If your surname was changed , write the previous one also)

Date and place of birth _________________________________________________________


Place of residence and place of registration ____________________________________________________________________________

Data of the passport for travelling abroad:
Passport number ___________________________________________________
Date of issue  ____________________________________________________________
Valid up to _________________________________________________________
Issued by______________________________________________________________

Place of work  ________________________________________________________________
Concertmaster’s contact data:
fax _________________________________________________
In case of the concertmaster’s absence you should write – “A concertmaster is required. Notation in music is added”
Date __________________            Participant’s signature________________________

The repertory

Round I

Composer and author      Title of the composition

1. ___________________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________




Round II

Composer and author      Title of the composition

1. ___________________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________________




Date ________________            Participant’s signature_____________________

Последнее обновление 03.02.13 15:49